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Sunday, January 30, 2011

In which the moon is beautiful.

About a week ago, there was a full moon. Here are a couple
pics from that night. I love my camera so much!

In which Alice is cute

Here are some recent Alice Pictures.

Yes she walked on her own, she let go of the couch and then walked to her piano. Simply amazing! She is just an angle baby, so good. We spent the night at grandpa and grandmas in deer park the other day. We had so much fun! Love you guys!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

In which starlings are photogenic

These little guys are everywhere. Starlings are so pretty up close. Love my new camera!

In which something big happens...

Alice's first finger foods
Today she had finger foods for the first time for dinner. Peas and Moms canned carrots. She loved it! And ate so good.

Alice took her first steps today!!! It was only two steps, but pretty amazing! She is getting more and more confident with herself and is so independent. Today while I was working out, Alice went to the day care at the YMCA, and they kept saying how easy she was because she just does her own thing. Not too needy, I love that! I did that! I taught her! I wish I had pictures of her walking but it all happened so fast, then when daddy got home she did it for him too! Amazing baby! What a day :) We also signed up for swim lessons today. It starts the 24th of this month. It should be good fun for mom and baby!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Alice and her feet.

Here is little Alice standing against the wall. She is doing so much more standing these days.

Here is a cool recipe I found and want to try,but I don't have that cool pan.....Ill use cookie cutters.
Swedish Pancakes
By Tiffany Teske
Serves 3 to 4

I use organic ingredients whenever possible.

~ 3 eggs
~ 2 T sugar
~ 1 cup milk
~ 1 cup half and half OR buttermilk (you can use all milk but they will not taste as rich)
~ 3 T melted butter
~ 1/2 tsp sea salt
~ 3/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour
~ 1/4 cup barley flour


1. Using a wire whisk beat the eggs, sugar, milk, half & half or buttermilk, and the melted butter for one minute.
2. Slowly add the flour while continuing to mix. When the flour is completely added blend for an additional 30 seconds.

3. Heat griddle or pan. When griddle or pan is hot, grease with butter or cooking spray. Pour pancake batter in a large circle for crepe size pancakes or small silver dollar size pancakes. They will cook quickly.

Flip when the underside is golden brown and the upper side has an opaque look. They are done when both sides are a golden brown.

4. Serve hot with maple or fruit syrup, powdered sugar, applesauce or, with Lignonberries.

Here is a really great idea. Socks into hand warmers!

I found this....

Winter’s Grasp Dry Scalp Mask


  • 1 avocado, pitted and mashed
  • 4 tbsp. whole-milk sour cream
  • 3 tsp. extra-virgin cold-pressed olive oil


1. Place all ingredients in a food processor or blender. Puree until smooth.

2. Wet hair and apply mixture. Massage into scalp, and rub through with fingers to tips. Run a fine-toothed comb through your hair to evenly distribute the mixture.

3. Place either a plastic shower cap or towel on your head; leave conditioner on for 20 minutes. The heat created by covering the head allows the mixture to more fully penetrate the scalp and hair.

4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Shampoo and style as usual.

Read more at Design*Sponge

Monday, January 3, 2011

In which we have a new member to the family

Hello all, I thought I would post some pictures up of Pongo and tell you a little about his personality. He is young but fairly well behaved. He is extremely lovable, and really fluffy! Him and Yuffi get along pretty well so far, except for when it comes to food or treats. Pongo is very protective of his food, he acts as though at one point he was very hungry and didn't get enough food. But he is happy to live here and loves us very much, as much as we do him.

In other news I got rear ended the other day. The car is fine but I am sore. Had a massage today which was completely amazing. So good for mommy.

Here is a few pics of Alice from today. Isn't she just precious?
I think I have been missing working lately. Just craving to do something with my hands, maybe crafts will help. Also I have started to check local libraries for job openings. If the right one is open, I might just apply. Something part time, and perfect. hah! But I think we could work it out. Another thing good for mommy.
Lets see, what can we find in the world wide web......
I just love these!

I am going to make one of these for Alice's bed. Her sheets have owls on them.

Isn't this a fun Idea...