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Thursday, March 20, 2008

In which there are many plants to see

Hello hello! Well I finished another Neil Gaiman book. This one is called "Coraline". It is written for a juvenile age group, but was even a little scary for me. I decided that I really liked it but, It wasn't what his adult books are. I did not feel as attached to the character as I did in his other books, but I guess that is why it is for a younger audience. They are working on a movie from this book. It will be a little like the James in the Giant peach movie in that some of it will be in live action, the rest in computer graphics. It will also be in 3-D, which is amazing and I suggest that if you haven't see a movie in 3-D yet you see this one next year. We saw "Beowulf" (which the screenplay was also written by Neil Gaiman) in 3-d and we were completely blown away.

As you can see I have a few sprouts! Very exciting or me. It looks like some might be growing too tall, and Jeffery says that may be because there isn't enough light in that bulb. So we may get another and see if that helps. If you have any advise for me, PLEASE post me a comment because I really want these to go in my garden soon.

I have really been experimenting with my camera a lot. Getting better and better at it but I still have a lot to learn. Here are some of the plants around the property that I found pretty. Also WE HAVE HORSES HERE NOW!!!! YAY!!! A friend of the owner of the property is keeping her 3 horses here now and that makes me happier than ever. they are really sweet, love carrots and I will get to ride them soon. I will have to take some pictures of them.

I am working at an antique mall in Centralia these days. I really is a lot of fun for me. I work with about 4 older ladies who are just a hoot and it really is like shopping as work. I have to know whats in the store, so they make me walk around and browse, so much fun. They have a really great book collection and a little bit of old clothes that look like fun dress up clothes from when you were 5. Too much fun!

Monday, March 10, 2008

In which I gush about functionality

Tis Monday. I think I am ok with that, I have been ok with a lot of things lately. Contentment is a beautiful thing. Had a really great weekend. For the first time in a while it felt really functional and that is a new thing I really want to master. I think the main reason is the lack of an "influence", which is hard but felt really good this weekend.

There really is no better feeling than when I finish a good book. The feeling of not being able to live without the characters. That this book has effected you so much you can't even imagine your life without it. That no book could ever be what that book was for you, and in a way that is true. But I have to remind myself that there will be another book that will effect me, just not in the same way. Last night at about ten I finished Neil Gaiman's "Neverwhere". Absolutely FANTASTICAL! I can't get away from his books. There was an interview in the back of this particular copy and one of the questions was"Why are you so drawn to the mixture of realistic and Magical elements in your fiction?" and part of his answer was " I like to make the kind of fiction that allows me to write about the world I see around me, and reconfigure it as I need in order to try to make art." And that is just his appeal. It feels real at first, and then everything that you thought about the "real" world changes into something you never thought possible. I am getting to the point that I am enjoying fantasy so much I want to believe in things that may make me look crazy to others. Thank you Neil for giving me hope of magic.

Jeffery built a jump for Yuffi out of PVC. It really just reminded me that I have a lot of more work to do with her. I tried to run her along side me and to jump when we got to it, and she would jump fine, and understood that very well, but she does nothing but look at me when running along side me and sometimes nip at my heals as her herding instinct kicks in. So it is time for some leash training, which I didn't think I would have to do. Hopefully she won't reject it too bad as I have obviously taught her some bad habits with the leash, oops.

Another Fun thing I did is start some seeds in a fish tank to eventually put in my garden. I am not going to pretend like I know what I am doing when it comes to gardening or any kind of planting, but I sure love to try. Here is what they look like now. I'll post as they grow.

Monday, March 3, 2008

In which I show my craft

Good morning! Well it is kind of still morning, I love sleeping in.
Well, one of the reasons I wanted to start this Blog is so I could post and keep track of my craft projects. Last night I did this embroidery project with a pattern I got from this persons amazing art... check it out It isn't perfect, but the goal here is to be really good at a few things instead of kind of good at a lot of things. More to come.