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Thursday, March 20, 2008

In which there are many plants to see

Hello hello! Well I finished another Neil Gaiman book. This one is called "Coraline". It is written for a juvenile age group, but was even a little scary for me. I decided that I really liked it but, It wasn't what his adult books are. I did not feel as attached to the character as I did in his other books, but I guess that is why it is for a younger audience. They are working on a movie from this book. It will be a little like the James in the Giant peach movie in that some of it will be in live action, the rest in computer graphics. It will also be in 3-D, which is amazing and I suggest that if you haven't see a movie in 3-D yet you see this one next year. We saw "Beowulf" (which the screenplay was also written by Neil Gaiman) in 3-d and we were completely blown away.

As you can see I have a few sprouts! Very exciting or me. It looks like some might be growing too tall, and Jeffery says that may be because there isn't enough light in that bulb. So we may get another and see if that helps. If you have any advise for me, PLEASE post me a comment because I really want these to go in my garden soon.

I have really been experimenting with my camera a lot. Getting better and better at it but I still have a lot to learn. Here are some of the plants around the property that I found pretty. Also WE HAVE HORSES HERE NOW!!!! YAY!!! A friend of the owner of the property is keeping her 3 horses here now and that makes me happier than ever. they are really sweet, love carrots and I will get to ride them soon. I will have to take some pictures of them.

I am working at an antique mall in Centralia these days. I really is a lot of fun for me. I work with about 4 older ladies who are just a hoot and it really is like shopping as work. I have to know whats in the store, so they make me walk around and browse, so much fun. They have a really great book collection and a little bit of old clothes that look like fun dress up clothes from when you were 5. Too much fun!


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! that is sooo great! i would love to do that, it would be a blast. i am glad to see that you are happy.
but i have to tell you that you have been killing me! i cannot figure out where the "in which" comes from! i know its a childrens book, and at first i thought it was alice, but it have to tell me, because ive been racking my brain and i cannot remember! so please let me know! thanks!
<3 cc

TreeBaby said...

I think I got it from comic books, I am not sure actually. Like..."In which our heroes embark on a fantastic journey" Or maybe it came from that Hans Christen Andersen fairy tale book I found at the library, not real sure.