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Thursday, May 22, 2008

In which I get closer to moving to Spokane

Went to Spokane for a few days and had a really great time. I got to see my little brother kick some butt on the motocross track, looked for some jobs/houses and did some bird watching. Here are the only good pictures I got from the track. I think Dylan was just too fast and I couldn't get a good one. The one on the right, That is Dylan on the far right. And of course Zach cheering him on.

As far as jobs, I applied at the Coeur d' Alene Resort Spa, Z Spa in Coeur d' Alene, and The Davenport Hotel in Downtown Spokane. But also I got a kick ass haircut from a lady that knows my parents and she is looking for a massage therapist in her salon. I would have to pay rent there, but she seem s to think I could build a clientèle really quickly. I guess if Jeffery got a job quickly enough I could do that, but just not sure.

REALLY good birdwatching at the ol' Liberty Lake State Park (I think that is what it is called) Those were some of the biggest and brightest red winged black birds I have ever seen. They were even twitterpating. I really didn't get any good pics though. I hardly even needed my binoculars. They all flew and sang so close to me. The sparrows were flying circles 3 feet from my head. So Cute. OH, and I saw Gosslings. So small and yellow swiming next to mom and dad.

1 comment:

Jeffery said...

Hello beautiful girl. Your blog looks lovely my dear.